Penggunaan bahasa Melayu di dalam meluahkan isi hati dan ekspresi diri di laman web pada hakikatnya masih berada di paras sederhana. Tidak banyak yang gemar menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan ini di talian sungguhpun masing-masing punya penguasaan bahasa dan juga perbendaharaan kata yang memuaskan. Bukan niat saya di sini untuk mempertikaikan fenomena ini tetapi saya lebih berminat untuk membincangkan betapa fenomena ini tidak seharusnya dijadikan isu yang cuma boleh membawa kepada pertelingkahan di kalangan kita. Laman web Fashion Tudung Collection ini juga pada hakikatnya lebih tertumpu kepada penggunaan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar sekaligus saya percaya perbincangan kali ini tidak akan mendatangkan apa bentuk polemik sekalipun.
Sebelum saya huraikan lebih lanjut, ingin saya ingatkan kepada para pengunjung laman ini tentang artikel saya yang lepas. Laman web koleksi fesyen tudung online ini bakal menemui destinasi sebenarnya iaitu pelancaran koleksi tudung kami. Seperti yang pernah saya beritahu sebelum ini, kami dalam proses akhir untuk menyiapkan koleksi tudung yang kami miliki. Kami juga dalam peringkat akhir untuk memilih bentuk dan cara pembayaran yang boleh memudahkan pengunjung laman kerana pada pendapat kami, ini amat penting untuk melancarkan proses pembayaran sekaligus mengutamakan aspek keselamatan dalam proses pembayaran. Jika anda punya apa-apa cadangan, saya galakkan anda meninggalkan komen di laman ini kerana yang paling penting pada kami adalah kemudahan untuk anda. Lebih mudah anda menguruskan pembayaran, lebih mudah kami menumpukan usaha kami ke arah matlamat utama iaitu memberikan anda koleksi fesyen tudung online yang terbaik.
Kembali kepada perbincangan kita kali ini, saya sebenarnya tertarik dengan isu yang akhir-akhir ini kerap diberikan perhatian oleh akhbar utama negara kita termasuk Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, dan sebagainya. Masing-masing membawakan isu penggunaan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar di mana-mana media sekalipun termasuk di laman web. Pada pendapat saya, ini tidak sewajarnya dijadikan isu. Saya katakan “isu” kerana perkara ini telah ditokok-tambah dan dicampur-adukkan dengan usaha mendaulatkan bahasa Melayu di mata dunia. Saya merasakan bahawa perkara ini sama sekali tidak akan mendatangkan keuntungan kepada mana-mana pihak sekalipun (pada ahli politik mungkin?) bahkan hanya akan mendatangkan kerugian kepada bangsa dan bahasa kita ini sendiri.
Memang benar bahawa bahasa itu melambangkan sesuatu bangsa. Tapi wajarkah ketaksuban terhadap bangsa dan bahasa dijadikan isu berpanjangan? Wajarkah kita mengorbankan keupayaan intelek dan teknologi yang boleh diperolehi daripada keupayaan menguasai bahasa lain di muka bumi ini (terutamanya bahasa Inggeris) semata-mata untuk memperjuangkan bahasa Melayu? Pada saya tidak. Malah saya amat yakin bahawa bahasa itu akan lebih mudah berkembang pesat apabila penggunanya terdiri dari kalangan yang memiliki daya intelek yang tinggi. Bahasa itu akan jauh lebih berdaulat apabila para penggunanya memiliki kepakaran dalam pelbagai bidang; baik teknologi, ekonomi, mahupun bidang-bidang yang lain.
Apa buktinya?
Cuba kita lihat bangsa-bangsa yang maju di dunia ini. Negara Amerika (the United States) menjadi maju dan memiliki teknologi yang canggih kerana setiap rakyat mereka diberi peluang untuk memajukan diri mereka dalam pelbagai bidang. Sebagai contoh, siapa yang berminat dalam perniagaan, mereka berpeluang untuk mempelajari dan mendalami ilmu perniagaan ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Siapa yang berminat dengan sukan pula turut menerima peluang yang sama dan dilayan sama rata. Lama-kelamaan mereka mempunyai banyak pakar dan tenaga mahir yang masing-masing punya kepakaran dan kemahiran tersendiri dalam bidang masing-masing. Masing-masing berganding bahu untuk membentuk komuniti yang secara puratanya terdiri daripada mereka yang ‘ahli’ dalam bidang masing-masing.
Ini yang kita mahu. Berbeza dengan negara-negara lain, kita digalakkan pula untuk menceburi pelbagai bidang pada satu-satu masa. Mencuba itu tidak salah, tetapi mencuba berpuluh-puluh perkara dalam satu masa tidak akan menjadikan kita seorang yang pakar. Seorang yang serba tahu itu mungkin, tetapi untuk kita menjadi seorang yang boleh dirujuk sebagai “pakar”, kita seharusnya diberi peluang untuk mendalami sesuatu itu dari akar umbinya dan sehingga ke pucuknya. Bila kita sudah tahu di mana pucuknya, tidak mustahil pula satu hari nanti kita akan jadi orang yang pertama menemui pucuk yang tidak pernah dijumpai orang sebelum ini. Pada tahap ini, kita adalah pakar dalam bidang tersebut. Inilah yang kurang sebenarnya di kalangan kita. Kita kekurangan tenaga mahir dan mereka yang pakar. Kita ada ramai yang tahu itu dan ini tapi tak seorang pun di kalangan kita yang betul-betul tahu tentang sesuatu.
Jika kita cuba kaitkan perkara ini dengan dunia perniagaan tudung, cuba anda namakan pada saya siapakah pakar tudung di Malaysia? Saya percaya anda tidak akan mampu untuk menamakan lebih dari lima orang yang pakar tentang tudung. Tetapi jika saya minta anda namakan lima orang yang menjalankan perniagaan tudung, anda boleh menamakan lebih daripada 20 malah lebih! Ini maksud saya sebenarnya.
Apa pula kena-mengena ini dengan bahasa? Cuba lihat kepada bahasa Inggeris yang menjadi bahasa universal atau bahasa alam. Bahasa Inggeris berkembang maju kerana bahasa ini digunakan dalam berjuta-juta manuskrip dan hasil kajian dalam beribu-ribu bidang. Apabila ada yang ingin menguasai bidang-bidang tertentu, mereka seharusnya punya penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang kuat supaya mereka boleh mengkaji tulisan-tulisan yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris ini. Lama-kelamaan mereka yang tahu bahasa Inggeris menjadi banyak bilangannya sekaligus meramaikan pengguna bahasa Inggeris. Apabila ramai yang menggunakannya, barulah bahasa itu menjadi bahasa yang berdaulat dan dari situ nilainya di mata dunia akan meningkat tanpa perlu dicanang-canangkan sebagai bahasa terbaik.
Mungkin anda tidak bersetuju, tetapi cuba kita imbas kembali bagaimana bahasa Inggeris ini berkembang. Suatu masa dahulu orang Islam di negara Arab merupakan ahli dalam bidang-bidang utama seperti astronomi, matematik, perubatan, dan juga pelbagai bidang yang bermanfaat. Tokoh-tokoh besar dalam bidang ini terdiri daripada orang Islam seperti Al-Farabi, Ibnu Sina, dan sebagainya. Waktu itu, orang di Eropah masih jahil dan jika anda masih ingat, mereka masih beranggapan bahawa dunia ini tidak bulat! Apabila mereka menemui hasil-hasil tulisan ilmu ini, mereka curiga dan rasa ingin tahu itu membuatkan mereka terpaksa mempelajari bahasa Arab. Setelah sekian lama, ramailah orang Eropah yang tahu berbahasa Arab dan demi membantu di kalangan mereka, mereka berusaha menterjemahkan hasil tulisan tokoh-tokoh Islam ini kepada bahasa mereka yakni bahasa Inggeris. Apabila semakin ramai yang sudah tahu ilmu ini, mereka melakukan kajian demi kajian dan mulai saat itu, hasil kajian mereka tidak lagi dalam bahasa Arab sebaliknya dalam bahasa ibunda mereka sendiri. Sampai satu tempoh, tahap pengetahuan mereka dalam bidang-bidang tersebut menjadi lebih tinggi daripada yang pernah dimiliki oleh tokoh-tokoh Islam ini. Secara tidak langsung, bahasa Inggeris berkembang pula dari sini.
Dapatkah anda memahami analogi berkenaan? Saya rasa anda mudah faham bukan? Ini yang saya maksudkan dengan penguasaan bahasa yang sebenar. Jika kita tidak punya pakar dalam bidang-bidang tertentu, bagaimana kita hendak meyakinkan orang lain? Di sinilah sebenarnya terletak jawapan kepada teka-teki yang bermain di fikiran kita selama ini. Kalau hari ini ada orang di utara Amerika berminat tentang tudung dan bertanya pada kita, kita terpaksa menjawab dalam bahasa mereka (bahasa Inggeris) sekalipun kala ini kita lebih ahli tentang tudung. Tapi seandainya ramai pakar tudung di kalangan kita; pakar dari sudut agama tentang tudung, pakar dari sudut kesihatan tentang tudung, pakar dari sudut mental tentang tudung, maka banyak hasil kajian tentang tudung akan muncul dalam bahasa Melayu. Bila orang dari utara Amerika ini terjumpa hasil kajian ini, mereka akan berusaha untuk mendalami bahasa Melayu supaya lebih mudah bagi mereka mendalami dan memahirkan diri mereka tentang tudung. Bila dah ramai yang mengkaji hasil kajian berbahasa Melayu ini, maka ramailah pengguna bahasa Melayu di muka bumi ini.
Saya amat berharap hasil tulisan kali ini dapat menerbitkan pemikiran baru di kalangan pengunjung. Saya percaya apa yang saya sebut ini ada juga terdetik di hati saudara dan saudari semua, cuma mungkin tidak terluah selama ini. Tetapkan pemikiran anda mulai sekarang supaya lebih berminat untuk mendalami sesuatu yang bermanfaat kepada diri anda. Lupakan niat anda untuk menghabiskan masa di laman web mencari bahan-bahan politik. Saya sedar orang Malaysia amat gemar berpolitik tetapi berbicara tentangnya tidak akan menjadikan anda lebih intelek. Politik adalah permainan mereka yang petah berbicara. Tapi ahli politik juga harus berjumpa doktor apabila mereka jatuh sakit. Doktor pula harus berjumpa cikgu di sekolah untuk bincang bagaimana meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran anak-anak mereka. Cikgu di sekolah juga harus berjumpa dengan penjual tudung untuk membeli tudung (ada juga cikgu yang jual tudung di sekolah hehe).
Masing-masing punya peranan masing-masing. Ini yang harus kita belajar. Belajar bergantung antara satu sama lain. Belajar berganding bahu antara satu sama lain. Kalau sahabat anda seorang yang berjaya dalam menjual cendol dan rojak, belajar darinya bagaimana untuk berniaga. Bukan buka kedai cendol dan rojak di sebelah kedainya. Belajar asas berniaga dan kemudian buka perniagaan menjual kemahiran yang anda sedia ada. Mungkin anda sebenarnya lebih mahir membuat air minuman, lantas jika anda mahirkan diri anda lagi, anda boleh buka kedai minuman di sebelah kedai rakan anda itu. Masing-masing boleh saling bantu. Bila masing-masing saling membantu antara satu sama lain, kita akan ada komuniti yang punya pelbagai kemahiran tinggi.
Sebelum saya mengakhiri artikel kali ini, ingin juga saya nyatakan kenapa saya memilih untuk menggunakan bahasa Melayu sebagai perantara kali ini. Saya merasakan sudah tiba masanya untuk saya uji apakah implikasi (kesan) menggunakan bahasa Melayu ini lebih besar berbanding menggunakan bahasa Inggeris. Bagi yang pertama kali melawat laman web tudung ini, anda mungkin keliru. Maaf, bukan niat saya untuk mengelirukan anda.
Salam hormat,
Alisa Nurhanis
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tudung Online
When I first write this fashion tudung collection blog, I was actually under the impression that the tudung online business can’t go any further like any other small Malaysian businesses. Well, honestly I must say that I was completely wrong. After writing few posts about fesyen tudung Muslimah, I have finally managed to conclude that there are thousands of people across the nation is searching and buying tudung via online. I must say that I am quite proud that the business is rapidly blooming and without doubt more people are looking for ways to grab some profit from this scenario.
Now we have to be very careful with this since a lot of people don’t have any idea whatsoever about how some monkeys abused the internet in order to scam not-so-savvy people like us. They used various tricks and tactics to realize their intention and therefore it is essential to know how we should prepare ourselves from being cheated by these trolls. Today I will do my best to provide you some ways to identify which is true and which is not. Be very wary of what people offer you at present day as you might fall into their traps and if that happen, I can guarantee you that you can lose money online pretty easy.
Although what I’m about to disclose here is related to tudung blog and tudung websites, you may also apply what you have learned here when visiting other commercial webpages. However, some tactics used by these scammers may vary but as long as you follow the basic guidelines, you should be fine and frankly say, shopping online for things is a fun activity as well as making our life easier in many aspects. Soon after you have read everything here, you can then easily set up a few restrictions and rules for your own use. From there onwards you will eventually master the concept of shopping online especially for tudung.
The first and foremost thing that you need to keep in mind at all times is when someone on the net claims that his site is the best on the line. This is the most common and cliché self-proclaimed statement and you can see it almost anywhere on the line. Some will claim that their site is “tudung bawal online no.1 di Malaysia” and some would shamelessly claimed that their site has the best koleksi tudung jakel. One easy way to identify which is a scam or not is by looking at their search engine ranking positions or more commonly called SERPs. For instance, if you go to Google and you type in “tudung bawal”, you will be getting about 195 thousands of results. Most of the time, those sites that you see in the first page up to third page are usually legitimate websites.
Speaking about tudung, pardon me for interrupting our talk to make a brief announcement here before we continue with our very discussion. For your information, this blog of mine has reached its final stage of “testing the water” and we (who are ‘we’? I’ll tell you later below) are currently organizing our fashion tudung collection. Once we have finalized everything, we will provide page by page images of our fashion tudung collection and if you find any that you are interested in, you are welcome then to make the tudung order using our order form. By the way, if you would like to get a sneak peek at our tudung online collection and probably having the chance to receive discounts on tudung online, you may fill up the tudung survey form below.
Let’s get back to our small talk. Buying glamorous modern hijab onine is perhaps one of the latest interest amongst Muslimah women today. Despite several negative remarks made by those who are against fashion and trend to be associated with tudung, the hijab online business keeps thriving and so far the progress is impressive. Be careful as well when you see these remarks because as far as I’m concerned, most of them have their own online businesses. Most of them are selling craps such as e-books on how to make money online in Malaysia. I say that those materials they are selling are craps because they are just trying to make money cheating people into buying their so-called e-books. Unfortunately Muslimah women in Malaysia are intelligent enough not to fall into these kind of stuffs and therefore these monkeys lose partial of their targeted audiences. Well, I’ve got to say here that no online craps can beat “real business” such as tudung business.
Most online shoppers are concern about the security of purchasing online items. Those who have credit cards like Visa or MasterCard would hesitate to buy as they are worried that things can go wrong. If you are one of them, then you are right about being cautious when buying tudung online. When the tudung website requires you to use your credit card for payment, you have to first check the webpage address at the top of your internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and so on). The address should start with “https” and not the usual “http”. The added “s” at the end means that the page has an additional secure socket layer which is a protocol designed and developed to provide safe Internet transactions involving confidential information. Whenever you see that “https”, it means that you are in a secure session and you are safe to disclose your credit card information. You should also be able to see a padlock icon in the browser’s status bar which indicates that it is a secure page.
AFAIAC (as far as I am concerned), no free domains or blogs allowed secure transactions to be performed. This is due to the fact that “https” page can only be requested by commercial websites such as “dot com” or “dot com dot my” websites. For instance, this blog’s address is FYI, “fashiontudungcollection” is my very own blog and it is hosted at or is owned by Google and not by me. Therefore it is a free hosted blog hence can’t perform any secure transaction. Same thing applies when you see an address like “Didyousmellsomething” is a subdomain of and therefore it is a free hosted blog. If you see a free blog like this asking you to enter your credit card’s credentials, please stay away from the site by all means.
I’m not saying here that free blogs or sites are all fishy. I’m saying that you should stay away from these kinds of webpages whenever they ask you to provide your confidential information. You can only trust these websites or blogs when they offer you another payment method which is money transfer from your bank account to the particular website’s owner’s bank account. This alternative is a lot more conveniences for those who don’t own a credit card or hesitate to use credit card for online purchase.
Money transfer is popular since it is secure and safer. Tudung blog/site owners usually provide you with their bank account information at their blogs/sites but you will have to initiate the transaction in the respective bank’s secure website. You just need to know the correct bank account number, the account holder’s name, and the exact amount of money to transfer to. Please ensure to keep the transaction details after each and every transaction. That will be your evidence that you have transferred a sum of money to that particular bank account and if something went wrong, you can contact your bank. If there is a fraud (which is less than likely to happen), you can lodge a police report and provide those information.
Alright, that’s all for now. Back to my announcement, I say “we” because I am not alone in this business. I am one of the team members which have 5 members altogether. Alisa Nurhanis is not my real name and it is just my pen name. However, when we launch our online tudung collection soon, we will provide real contact name(s) and nothing else but real things. We will also provide two separate bank accounts, Maybank account details and CIMB account details for your own convenience. In the future we will add more bank accounts details from other banks to further provide you with the best service.
Oh yes, the last but not least reminder to all of you. Our “koleksi tudung online” comprises koleksi tudung bawal online, koleksi tudung Ekin, koleksi tudung Ariani, koleksi tudung Dubai, and so on. I can be certain that you will be surprised to see our incomparable online tudung collection (I know, it’s a self-proclaimed lol but you’ll see). I have no intention of leaking out more fantastic news for all of you but just get ready, save some money, and wait for the official launch of our very own trendy tudung collection.
Salam hormat,
~Alisa Nurhanis
Now we have to be very careful with this since a lot of people don’t have any idea whatsoever about how some monkeys abused the internet in order to scam not-so-savvy people like us. They used various tricks and tactics to realize their intention and therefore it is essential to know how we should prepare ourselves from being cheated by these trolls. Today I will do my best to provide you some ways to identify which is true and which is not. Be very wary of what people offer you at present day as you might fall into their traps and if that happen, I can guarantee you that you can lose money online pretty easy.
Although what I’m about to disclose here is related to tudung blog and tudung websites, you may also apply what you have learned here when visiting other commercial webpages. However, some tactics used by these scammers may vary but as long as you follow the basic guidelines, you should be fine and frankly say, shopping online for things is a fun activity as well as making our life easier in many aspects. Soon after you have read everything here, you can then easily set up a few restrictions and rules for your own use. From there onwards you will eventually master the concept of shopping online especially for tudung.
The first and foremost thing that you need to keep in mind at all times is when someone on the net claims that his site is the best on the line. This is the most common and cliché self-proclaimed statement and you can see it almost anywhere on the line. Some will claim that their site is “tudung bawal online no.1 di Malaysia” and some would shamelessly claimed that their site has the best koleksi tudung jakel. One easy way to identify which is a scam or not is by looking at their search engine ranking positions or more commonly called SERPs. For instance, if you go to Google and you type in “tudung bawal”, you will be getting about 195 thousands of results. Most of the time, those sites that you see in the first page up to third page are usually legitimate websites.
Speaking about tudung, pardon me for interrupting our talk to make a brief announcement here before we continue with our very discussion. For your information, this blog of mine has reached its final stage of “testing the water” and we (who are ‘we’? I’ll tell you later below) are currently organizing our fashion tudung collection. Once we have finalized everything, we will provide page by page images of our fashion tudung collection and if you find any that you are interested in, you are welcome then to make the tudung order using our order form. By the way, if you would like to get a sneak peek at our tudung online collection and probably having the chance to receive discounts on tudung online, you may fill up the tudung survey form below.
Let’s get back to our small talk. Buying glamorous modern hijab onine is perhaps one of the latest interest amongst Muslimah women today. Despite several negative remarks made by those who are against fashion and trend to be associated with tudung, the hijab online business keeps thriving and so far the progress is impressive. Be careful as well when you see these remarks because as far as I’m concerned, most of them have their own online businesses. Most of them are selling craps such as e-books on how to make money online in Malaysia. I say that those materials they are selling are craps because they are just trying to make money cheating people into buying their so-called e-books. Unfortunately Muslimah women in Malaysia are intelligent enough not to fall into these kind of stuffs and therefore these monkeys lose partial of their targeted audiences. Well, I’ve got to say here that no online craps can beat “real business” such as tudung business.
Most online shoppers are concern about the security of purchasing online items. Those who have credit cards like Visa or MasterCard would hesitate to buy as they are worried that things can go wrong. If you are one of them, then you are right about being cautious when buying tudung online. When the tudung website requires you to use your credit card for payment, you have to first check the webpage address at the top of your internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and so on). The address should start with “https” and not the usual “http”. The added “s” at the end means that the page has an additional secure socket layer which is a protocol designed and developed to provide safe Internet transactions involving confidential information. Whenever you see that “https”, it means that you are in a secure session and you are safe to disclose your credit card information. You should also be able to see a padlock icon in the browser’s status bar which indicates that it is a secure page.
AFAIAC (as far as I am concerned), no free domains or blogs allowed secure transactions to be performed. This is due to the fact that “https” page can only be requested by commercial websites such as “dot com” or “dot com dot my” websites. For instance, this blog’s address is FYI, “fashiontudungcollection” is my very own blog and it is hosted at or is owned by Google and not by me. Therefore it is a free hosted blog hence can’t perform any secure transaction. Same thing applies when you see an address like “Didyousmellsomething” is a subdomain of and therefore it is a free hosted blog. If you see a free blog like this asking you to enter your credit card’s credentials, please stay away from the site by all means.
I’m not saying here that free blogs or sites are all fishy. I’m saying that you should stay away from these kinds of webpages whenever they ask you to provide your confidential information. You can only trust these websites or blogs when they offer you another payment method which is money transfer from your bank account to the particular website’s owner’s bank account. This alternative is a lot more conveniences for those who don’t own a credit card or hesitate to use credit card for online purchase.
Money transfer is popular since it is secure and safer. Tudung blog/site owners usually provide you with their bank account information at their blogs/sites but you will have to initiate the transaction in the respective bank’s secure website. You just need to know the correct bank account number, the account holder’s name, and the exact amount of money to transfer to. Please ensure to keep the transaction details after each and every transaction. That will be your evidence that you have transferred a sum of money to that particular bank account and if something went wrong, you can contact your bank. If there is a fraud (which is less than likely to happen), you can lodge a police report and provide those information.
Alright, that’s all for now. Back to my announcement, I say “we” because I am not alone in this business. I am one of the team members which have 5 members altogether. Alisa Nurhanis is not my real name and it is just my pen name. However, when we launch our online tudung collection soon, we will provide real contact name(s) and nothing else but real things. We will also provide two separate bank accounts, Maybank account details and CIMB account details for your own convenience. In the future we will add more bank accounts details from other banks to further provide you with the best service.
Oh yes, the last but not least reminder to all of you. Our “koleksi tudung online” comprises koleksi tudung bawal online, koleksi tudung Ekin, koleksi tudung Ariani, koleksi tudung Dubai, and so on. I can be certain that you will be surprised to see our incomparable online tudung collection (I know, it’s a self-proclaimed lol but you’ll see). I have no intention of leaking out more fantastic news for all of you but just get ready, save some money, and wait for the official launch of our very own trendy tudung collection.
Salam hormat,
~Alisa Nurhanis
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Tudung Online Survey
The form below is optional for you to fill up as it is a survey we conduct in order to let us know what are your wants and needs. Please feel free to join the tudung survey.
Gagal Cari Tudung Yang Sesuai?
koleksi tudung bawal online paling menarik di Malaysia
Tudung Ekin?
koleksi tudung ekin paling sensasi
The Best Collection of Tudung for Modern Muslimah
the only tudung store that gives you the best beautiful hijab
koleksi tudung bawal online paling menarik di Malaysia
koleksi tudung ekin paling sensasi
The Best Collection of Tudung for Modern Muslimah
the only tudung store that gives you the best beautiful hijab